Saturday, July 14, 2007

I'm on the Intertubes! I Love It!


Welcome to my new diary! Look at me! I'm on the Interweb! I love it!

Hey, if Steve Jobs can have a diary, so can, I right? That's an inside joke. Not that I'm an insider. Although I love insiders. Hey, if you have any gossip, please send it to me. I love it!

My innermost thoughts exposed to the whole world. I tell ya, this is going to be crazy!

Why now? That's a good question. Several reasons.

Frankly, I was a little jealous of all the attention everyone else was getting. Joe Klein has a blog called Swampland, did you know that? I didn't. Ana Marie is there too. It's pretty wild!

Andy Sullivan has one too! And people read it! Tumulty, Carney, Fineman -- I made these people what they are, dammitt! I worry that not enough people know what I'm thinking. Am I insecure? I don't know.

But this really isn't a "blog." Klein and Sully are always going on about they were always against the war or something. Boring! I'm more contemplative. This is more like a diary, I think. I dunno.

I think this is gonna be fun! Check in later!

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