"You're watching an utterly irrelevant, shallow television celebrity dominate everybody who claimed they want to lead the most powerful nation in the world," he said.Whoa! I love it!
I mean, not what he said, of course - who is he calling "irrelevant"? - but that he singled me out!
This is great! I'm in the news every day. And I'm blogging! This is like the Summer of Matthews!
I've got a question for the former Speaker: if I am so irrelevant, why did he bring me up?
I may be shallow, I'm certainly on tv, and of course I am a celebrity.
Heck, I may be a slightly daffy, Potomac fever-addled, pure Beltway suck up, an ultimate Georgetown cocktail party kiss-ass, a Nantucket dwelling fop, a panty-sniffing, woman-hating, man-crushing D.C. court jester -- but buddy, I've got two tv shows and I am so relevant my random musings are broadcast around the world!
What else are you going to do on Sunday mornings before "Meet the Press," watch the maid boil your eggs?
I used to work with Tip O'Neill, and let me tell you, he would have man-handled someone like Newt so hard his ex-wives would feel it! Now there was a real Speaker!
Newt's always been a pompous elitist cry-baby who looks down on the common man. I love the common man! That's my thing.
Still I love that Newt might get in the race. This could be fun!
He says he's going to beat Hillary and Obama. That seems like overkill, unless he's running for the Democratic nomination. I dunno, he is a little crazy.
Newt - call me!
You've got to come on my show. You know you want to!
1 comment:
Go get 'em, Tweety!
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